Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The Independent's pick of the Best Rail Trips in Europe

Now this has to be fate.ThereByTrain finishes slaving over the tweaks to its blog, which we hope will be a directory of, amongst other things, the best articles we can find online that will inspire train travel.

Just two days later, British newspaper, The Independent, publishes this great article by Kate Simon, in which she selects her favorite rail trips in Europe.

There's some great ideas here and the Bergen line is on our wish list for 2014!

If you want to follow in the path taken by TV presenter Michael Portillo on his 'Great Continental Railway Journeys' program, you can follow Kate's suggestion and book one of the holidays that cover parts of the route that have been organized by Ffestiniog Travel, or you can use a Eurail or InterRail  pass and see the best  of all five programs on one trip.

ThereByTrain has put together a 10 journey itinerary that includes many of the places Michael visited and the trains that he used.

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